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"If music be the food of love, play on!" - William Shakespeare

Described in The Times as ayoungsingerto watch Laurence Kilsby won first prize in three internationalcompetitions; the DasLied Competition at the Heidelberger Frühling Festspiele, the Wigmore Hall/BollingerInternational Song Competition and the Cesti Competition atthe Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik.He studied at the Royal College of Music, the Curtis Instituteof Music and was a member of the Académiede l’Opéra National deParis. In demand on both the concert hall and operatic stage, Laurence has performed inall the major venues in Europe.
His regular collaborations withRaphaël Pichon and EnsemblePygmalion have seen him debut at the Paris Philharmonie, Opéra Comique, Wiener Konzerthaus and Palau de la Música.With the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, he made debuts at the Salzburger Festspiele, Berlin Philharmonie and the BBC Proms. Inthe U.S. and Canada, he has given concerts and recitals at CarnegieHall, the Ravinia Festival and Maison Symphonique, Montréal.
Born in 1998, Laurence beganhis singing career as arenowned boy treble with the Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum andwas the BBC Radio 2 Young Choristerof the Year. He has appearedon various acclaimed recordings,and Awakenings, withhis regular collaborator, Ella O’Neill, is his debut recital album.

Featured on

Various composers
Laurence Kilsby & Ella O’Neill
Georg Friedrich Händel
Handel - L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato
Gabrieli Consort & Players